Crate slip132

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Bitcoin SLIP-132 standard implementation for parsing custom xpub/xpriv key formats


Default resolver knowing native bitcoin::network::constants::Network and BIP 32 and SLIP 132-defined key applications with KeyApplication
Structure holding 4 version bytes with magical numbers representing different versions of extended public and private keys according to BIP-32. Key version stores raw bytes without their check, interpretation or verification; for these purposes special helpers structures implementing VersionResolver are used.
Unknown string representation of KeyApplication enum


Extended public and private key processing errors
SLIP 132-defined key applications defining types of scriptPubkey descriptors in which they can be used


Magical version bytes for tprv: bitcoin testnet/regtest private key for P2PKH or P2SH
Magical version bytes for tpub: bitcoin testnet/regtest public key for P2PKH or P2SH
Magical version bytes for uprv: bitcoin testnet/regtest private key for P2WPKH in P2SH
Magical version bytes for Uprv: bitcoin testnet/regtest private key for multi-signature P2WSH in P2SH
Magical version bytes for upub: bitcoin testnet/regtest public key for P2WPKH in P2SH
Magical version bytes for Upub: bitcoin testnet/regtest public key for multi-signature P2WSH in P2SH
Magical version bytes for vprv: bitcoin testnet/regtest private key for P2WPKH
Magical version bytes for Zprv: bitcoin testnet/regtest private key for multi-signature P2WSH
Magical version bytes for vpub: bitcoin testnet/regtest public key for P2WPKH
Magical version bytes for Zpub: bitcoin testnet/regtest public key for multi-signature P2WSH
Magical version bytes for xprv: bitcoin mainnet private key for P2PKH or P2SH
Magical version bytes for xpub: bitcoin mainnet public key for P2PKH or P2SH
Magical version bytes for yprv: bitcoin mainnet private key for P2WPKH in P2SH
Magical version bytes for Yprv: bitcoin mainnet private key for multi-signature P2WSH in P2SH
Magical version bytes for ypub: bitcoin mainnet public key for P2WPKH in P2SH
Magical version bytes for Ypub: bitcoin mainnet public key for multi-signature P2WSH in P2SH
Magical version bytes for zprv: bitcoin mainnet private key for P2WPKH
Magical version bytes for Zprv: bitcoin mainnet private key for multi-signature P2WSH
Magical version bytes for zpub: bitcoin mainnet public key for P2WPKH
Magical version bytes for Zpub: bitcoin mainnet public key for multi-signature P2WSH


Trait for building standard BIP32 extended keys from SLIP132 variant.
Trait converting standard BIP32 extended keys into SLIP132 representation.
Trait which must be implemented by helpers which do construction, interpretation, verification and cross-conversion of extended public and private key version magic bytes from KeyVersion